"Solar" is a musical composition attributed to Miles Davis on the studio album Walkin' (1954), considered a modern jazz standard. There is disagreement concerning the exact pronunciation of the tune, whether it was intended as /ˈsoʊlər/ or /soʊˈlɑr/. A controversy also exists over authorship of this composition and one current consensus[1] holds that Davis' "Solar" is essentially an earlier song, "Sonny", written by Chuck Wayne.
The first two measures of this song adorn Miles Davis' tombstone in Woodlawn Cemetery.
The commonly accepted chord structure[2] for this piece is:
A | CmMaj7 | % | Cm7 or Gm7 | Gm7 : C7 |
FMaj7 | % | Fm7 | Bb7 | |
EbMaj7 | Ebm7 : Ab7 | DbMaj7 | Dm7b5 : G7 |